Wednesday, July 11, 2007

be specific

In Writing Down the Bones Natalie Goldberg in one of the chapters talks about being specific.

Don't say “fruit”. Tell what kind of
fruit ..

So it is with music, do not say “fast”, be specific, “fast, with anger” or “fast and jolly”. Too many times on SibeliusMusic I see scores where the composer has written in the program notes something like: I have not include any dynamic markings, preferring to leave it to the performer's interpretation.

"This is a romantic concert piece - I have left out expression marks - it's open for interpretation."
(actual quote from a piece on SibeliusMusic.)

Sorry. This does not work for me. Is the composer that unconcern with his piece? Why not also leave the choice of notes to the performer? Is the composer lazy? Or... .

Ursus Demens

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