Wednesday, June 21, 2006


America Family Voices

Who are you? And what do you believe in? I know what you do not believe in, I know who you are against, as you call and leave messages on my phone. But you are a coward. Only a coward will tell you what they are against, but do not have the spine to tell you what they are for, what they actually believe. Only a coward will not properly identify themselves, just your name, no contact information, no web site, nothing, just a anonymous generic name. What are you ashamed of? If you truly believed in your cause (what ever that might be since it goes unstated) you would be honest about who you are. But I doubt you have the testicles to stand up for your beliefs in the bright light of day. If you truly believe in something I will listen you, but I do not listen to cowards.

Ursus Demens

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